Monday, November 5, 2012

Fall Semester!

Hi Sisters!
I hope everyone has been loving the beautiful fall weather!  The Athenians have been very busy this semester.  In October, we worked at Covenant Way Retirement Center as waitresses.  The theme was Oktoberfest, and we had a lot of fun helping out.  We also had our fall retreat in October.  We showed off our outdoorsy sides by building a bonfire and making yummy s'mores outside. :)  At the end of October, we held our annual pancake breakfast during homecoming week.  This was a fun event that gave us the chance to raise some money for the society.  Our homecoming theme this year was the 90's, so we made a Spice Girls-themed float for the homecoming parade on Saturday.  It was tons of fun riding down Main Street with "Wannabe" blasting.  We even won a prize because everyone loved our float so much!  Last week was Halloween, so we held our Haunted Halls in the Hangar.  We dressed up as Stepford wives and had a great time trying to scare people.  We just completed  Bid Week, and we're so excited to have three amazing girls rushing this semester. :) Hopefully we'll have three new sisters in two weeks!
I hope everyone has a great week!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Spring, Sisters!
It feels like this semester just started, but it is already springtime here at Erskine!  The Athenians have already done some really fun things.  In February, we had a Mardi Gras-themed pancake breakfast fundraiser!  We sold green and purple pancakes in Watkins.  It was really fun, and we raised a lot of money!  A few weeks ago, we put on our spring formal. The theme was "Arabian Nights," and it was a really great night!  I hope everyone's spring has gotten off to a great start and can't wait to see everyone at Alumni Day in April!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Christmas 2011

Hello butterflies!
The Athenians started off the Christmas season with a visit to Covenant Way in Due West.  We visited with the residents and sang Christmas carols to get into the holiday spirit.  The residents were so sweet and a blast to sing with. :)  Before exam week, all of the sisters gathered for a festive Christmas party in Robinson lobby.  We exchanged Secret Sister and Dirty Santa gifts.  We also had a visit from Santa himself! It was a great way to relax before the stress of exam week began.  2011 was an amazing year to be an Athenian, and we can't wait to make our sisters even more proud in 2012!