Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Constitution Changes... regarding YOU!

Alright ladies,
I decided to go ahead and post this when I found it in my email inbox, before I forget and its another 2 months before I get it up for you gals to see. The new addition to the constitution is as follows:
    " Upon leaving Erskine College, a member of the Athenian Literary Society may be inducted for lifetime     membership after two consecutive full semesters of active participation if she has not previously resigned or been asked to leave by the judicial council. This induction will take place at the end-of-year banquet."
Sooooo, I'm pretty sure this means (drum roll please)  you ladies are stuck with us forever, bonded in sisterhood.


The last update was right before the Athenians went on a sisterhood retreat to Denver Downs in Anderson. According to those who went, it was a lot of fun getting lost in the corn maze and zip lining.  The morning following our new advisor, Jan Walker, cooked apple pancakes for everyone at her house (I had a cross country meet, but the leftover she sent were delicious!). We also had our semi-formal (jointly with the Euphie Men and Little Sisters), attendance was a little slow due to new Erskine policies, but still fun. Athenian alum, Tessa Bigham, came too!! Haunted Halls in the hangar (since we still don't have an actual hall) was a success, we had a haunted tour.  But I have to admit, it was the most fun to scare the Athenians who were greeting and not scaring (after it was over and before we cleaned), they were very jumpy.  Rush kicked off with the sponsor dinner (this year it was desert since it was on the same night as the campus ministries hymn sing) last Sunday, October 31.  Miss Big Hair was this past Monday night (soo much fun as always). I am so proud of my rush baby, Miss Abby O'Reilly for bringing home the crown.  All of our potential new members were great!  Tuesday night the Athenians and rush class attended the Big Man on campus competition, our Sweetheart, Laborde, came in solid with a 2nd runner up finish.  Tonight was fun night, and we all know that what happens at fun night, stays at fun night!  Hope all of you are well, keep your eyes open for the new constitution changes from this year regarding our ALUMNI, they will be up soon... I hope! 
